synthetic polymer powder paint with synthetic binder on composition board
31.0 x 47.0 cm
Sotheby’s, Melbourne, 15 - 16 November 2005, lot 69
Elder Fine Art, Adelaide, 6 August 2006, lot 127
Private collection, Adelaide
Bardon, G., and Bardon, J., Papunya, A Place Made After the Story: The Beginnings of the Western Desert Painting Movement, The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne, 2004, p. 477 (illus.) together with an annotated diagram of the story depicted.
For an extensive discussion of the artist's childrens' paintings see Bardon and Bardon, 2004; pp. 64-65 and for related paintings see pp. 477-479. The annotated drawing indicates the symmetrical pattern of the ceremonial ground over a plain ochre ground with the two dancing figures shown in a realistic manner. Crescent shapes at each corner depict ceremonial men and various objects associated with the ceremony are illustrated. Bardon notes that ‘Kaapa uses his familiar grid format of arranged ceremonial objects and ceremonial sticks accompanied by symmetrical sand mosaics to tell a commemorative story of two warriors dancing with spears and woomeras. Tracks of the dancers are shown and also ceremonial hats are suggested. The commemorative story is unknown. Kaapa’s superior skill was much admired by his peers.’